Advisers & Coordinators

Adventure coordinator

Carrie Francombe


Eileen Hawkes

Awards Chair

Joy Topping

DofE Award coordinator

Caroline Lomax

First Aid

Karen Clarke

Friends of Guiding

Jenny Beacham

Go coordinator

Mary Brodey

Assistant Archivist and Heritage adviser

Mandy Bray

Inspire coordinator

Annabel Laver

International adviser

Hannah Farley

Media and communication

Kate Winfield

Long Service Awards coordinator

Evelyn Walker

Climbing adviser

Chris Kirkham

Outdoor Team

Helen Wynn

Peer Educator coordinator

Caitlin Hinson

Properties Chair

Ian Hollingham

Queens Guide coordinator

Samantha Wrapson

Residential adviser (Rainbow and Brownie)

Sandra Marshall

Residential adviser (Guides and Rangers)

Carol Dunne

Safe Space and additional needs adviser

Pat Hudson

Trefoil Oxfordshire

Sue Moss

Walking adviser

Caroline Lomax

Training Advisor

Ally Warren